Friday, December 3, 2010


I am back in America. Home of the loud, lazy, fat American. And boy can I say that I am happy about it, for now. Although it is cold as hell. I never was the kinda person who hated the cold but it sure is cold right now.

Got home Thursday morning at 3AM. Went straight to 7-11 down the street from my parents house and got some American stuff.

Today (Friday) I went for a 4 mile run and I will say that just getting ready for the run was kinda tough. I didn't know what to wear. In Antigua the less was better. Here I had to figure it out and I found myself stumbling at what to put on. But it went well. The run felt good and the strong Caribbean sun was not there to put me down.

Now, time to figure out what the hell I am going to do here.

As stupid as it sounds, I just want to go to the mall and get stuff. Living away from such easy access to everything was hard and you can really tell what you take for granted. But one problem with that now, I don't have a car. So this will be interesting.

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