Casanova's. The dope spot for schwarmas |
I woke up this past Saturday very hungry. That is nothing new, but this day I was in dyer need of a Schwarma from CASANOVA. A schwarma is something that I was introduced to here. But apparently, they are everywhere back home but go by the name of a GYRO. Something I would not eat on principle. Anyways, I was hungry and we were running low on food at our apartment. So what was I to do. I could not call a cab because I had no money on me. And I couldnt get money because I could not call a cab. SOOO what I decided to do was to venture off in search of a schwarma, local style. I had to find my way to the local bus stop.
Now I must say first, if I or a close friend of mine had transportation a lot of this could be avoided. But that is not whats going on yet sooooooooooooooooo
Factors at play:
- No money on me
- No transportation
- International cell is out of minutes to call a cab, but I had no money anyway that is not a viable option
- HOT outside. Makes walking to a local bus while hungry much harder.
What ended up happenning was I found $2.50 EC on the ground in our kitchen so I could TRY to find a local bus. The local transportation here is a little different. There are not designated bus stops with large buses like we Americans are used to. These are vans that have a license plate that says BUS on it. Which, the taxis also have vans that say TX on them. This makes it difficult in having to decode the license plate and try to flag him down.
I began to walk to where I thought local buses stop. About a half mile in the burning saturday sun with an empty stomach is tough. But after I began I made progress quick. I found a local woman sellign coconut water and she told me where to wait. Before I could say OK she began yelling at a van to stop and pick me up. I hopped in the van and asked him how much. "$2.25" he said. Perfect. I had the $2.50 on me that I found. He drove us to Saint John's which is where the SCHWARMA shop is located. But the bus does not drop you off where you want to go (hence the cheap rate) so some walking is involved. BUT first, I need some money. I walk to the local Scotia bank, which allows tax free/penalty free withdrawls by BANK OF AMERICA customers. Which is me. So that is a plus here. I take out $40 EC and I am on my way to CASANOVA. THE PLACE TO GRAB A DAMN GOOD SCHWARMA.
The sexy piece of meat. YES. |
Finally find Casanovas. Somewhat hard on a busy, hot Saturday in the Capitol. Many one way streets, lots of people and music blasting everywhere. Had to stop to ask a few times to make sure I was headed in the right direction.
FINALLY, I reached the spot and had a delicious meal with an ice cold coca-cola.
Afterwards I went to the bus station and asked how much to hop on a bus to Jolly Harbour. I have heard and seen good things about this location in Antigua.
Jolly Harbour Beach |
$3 EC she said. Which converts to $1.10 USD. Cant beat that, I thought. So I got on the bus and went to the beach on the south-western part of Antigua. Chilled on the beach with two local beers and called it a day.
what's wrong with these people who drive on the wrong side of the road? That's probably why they have so many potholes. Puts an undue amount of friction on the wrong part of the street. In Scotland this made me drive on to the curb constantly. Wanst' my fault.